Sleeping in Someone Else’s Bed

First, let me say that October 26 is  National Pumpkin Day. I thank the Lord every day (at least in the fall) for fruit and veggie farms, because there we can still see and purchase lovely huge pumpkins!  They are usually artfully displayed, as well, around hay bales, scarecrows and the like. It reminds me of the wonders of fall, and driving by or walking around these areas is a sensory delight!  The brilliant colors of the pumpkins and gourds and the leaves on the trees, the scents of apple cider in the barns, and the taste of pumpkin pie…all these just make me feel cozy and happy.

               Meanwhile, in the land of retail, it’s hard to find a pumpkin or gourd. There may be some in a discount bin, but the mainline stores are all about something that’s still 62 days away. That’s two months!  Yep, it’s all about Christmas. Now, normally that would be fine with me, as I love Christmas time. I typically know how many days until the big event months in advance. Even in March, I can tell you how many days until Santa arrives.

               But shopping-wise, this is annoying to me. I want to find pumpkins and apple cider and masks (MASKS!) in the stores in October. I do not feel the need to purchase candy canes, stockings, inflatable snowmen, or fake greenery. And let me digress to say that the stores have – for years, now – completely ignored a major holiday that happens in November. Try to find an autumn centerpiece, or a turkey sculpture, or some pilgrim candles for your Thanksgiving table. Ha! Too busy trying to sell tinsel, ornaments and snowflakes.

Seriously, marketing plans are just not in sync with the weather, the season, or my mood. It’s like sleeping in someone else’s bed. I know this feeling well, because I’ve done it. You’ve done it. We’ve all that experience!  Some are better than others, of course, but sleeping in a different bed almost always leaves you restless and a bit tired. Even if you think you slept pretty well, it’s just not the same.

Recently we celebrated our annual Friendsgiving. This is when we take  our dog and go with friends and their dogs to a cabin in the woods. We cook a big Thanksgiving dinner and have all the fun of the food and the laughter of good friends, but none of the stress of family. This year was especially poignant for us, as we will not be hosting or attending a large dinner filled with extended family. Hopefully, next year, but not 2020.

At any rate, we slept in a queen-sized bed with very comfortable sheets and pillows. The sheets were soft, but rustled like paper. It felt good, but sounded odd.  The mattress was firm and I should have slept well. I did, too, but awoke feeling “off,” and with a little twinge in my neck. Truth be told, I do that at home, too, but it was just different.

               I know our faithful pet, Forest, felt the same way. He missed his regular bed. He missed it so much that he fit his 100-pound, muscled frame into the Russell terrier’s little portable bed. He seemed comfortable enough, but I’m not sure he slept well!  Take a look at the photo and you decide.  Anyway, Christmas retail in October is okay. It’s a little like sleeping in someone else’s bed. It’s just not quite right.

1 Comment

  1. John and Carol Llewellyn

    pretty good rant on the holidays coming up – agree, T-day is a lost cause at many places,
    but we still hold to family get togethers and hope to pull off one even this year = although it
    will be limited to less than 20 of our very large family tree – will do two days of get togwthers
    rather than one big one – split it up but still enjoy – also, No MI vs OSU game for T-day
    this year either due to issues – but will get it later!! still, great post as usual!

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