Late Night – Early Morning – Musings

               For most of my adult life, I’ve struggled with insomnia.  The good news is that it hasn’t appeared to affect my ability to live my life.  Some days I’m a bit tired, but generally, I function as well on three or four hours of sleep as I do eight.  Well, at least I think I do.  I honestly can’t remember the last time I actually slept for eight hours straight.

               The bad news is that I have a host of silly activities that I do to try to get myself sleepy.  I read.  I watch reruns of comedies on television.  I work jigsaw puzzles.  I put dishes away.  I play games on my phone.  Sometimes one of these will make me sleepy.

               But often, none of them do and so I engage in the silliest activity of all – I stew about things.  I worry and fret and generally drive myself a bit crazy.  This does not, I might add, assist me in getting sleepy.  It mostly serves to stir my mind even more.

               I try to think about things I don’t need to worry about and pleasant things.  Tonight, for example, I’m thinking about how funny it is when you go into a place and it’s not at all what you thought it was going to be.

               (Let me digress to say that I have no idea why I’m thinking about this.)

               For example, one time I was in a restaurant and I had to use the ladies’ room.  I went in, completed my business, and returned to our table, at which we were enjoying an evening with friends.  I announced quite sincerely that I had never noticed how odd the ladies’ room was in this particular restaurant and that I thought it very strange that they had two sinks, and one was very low on the floor.

               The rest of our group immediately realized that I had not been in the ladies’ room at all – but in the men’s room.  But I spent several minutes being confused (and no, I was not drinking!).

               Recently, my husband went out to lunch with a buddy. They had planned to go to a restaurant near a movie theater but when they arrived, it wasn’t open until 11:30.  Since the movie they were going to started at 12:30, they decided to go to a nearby eating emporium, one they had never been to before.

               They walked in and clearly this establishment was very similar to a well-known chain that boasted well-endowed women in skimpy uniforms.  Taken aback, but in a hurry, my husband and his friend ordered, ate, and then left for their movie.  It wasn’t at all what they expected, but my hubby’s only comment was, “I hope they had warm coats when they left.  It’s cold out there!”

               It made me think about the time I fell and hurt my knee.  We had previously planned a trip to Florida for the holidays, but I had to use a cane, walker, or wheelchair for several weeks.  I was completely bummed out, knowing that our vacation would be ruined by having to push me around in a wheelchair.

               As it turns out, going to Universal and Busch Gardens in a wheelchair isn’t so bad.  The terrain is pretty flat, but even more striking is that people in wheelchairs get whisked to the front of the line and sit in the front row for every show.  No waiting and superb seats!  Our vacation wasn’t what I planned or expected, but turned out very well (in some ways).

               Now I’m thinking I will try to go to bed and sleep and I’m sure that won’t turn out the way I expect (or hope).  But maybe I’ll be surprised.



    been using melatonin to help relax me- upped this year to 10mg version – wonder if the new Relaxium they are promoting would help — never know – just want to be able to sleep restfully and wake up refreshed – not happening this past year or so! Naps are the best for me = 2 hrs lately, not 30 minutes like before – geez= getting old is a bummer!!

    • Bets

      No, no, John, we’re not getting old, we’re outliving our warranty! Twelve days away from being 85! Unbelievable!

  2. Bets

    I’m so sorry to hear that you have had insomnia for so many years. I’m usually up at least three times a night. It’s probably because I try to drink at least 64 ounces of water daily. Which, thankfully, took care of my UTI. Don’t have to take those big orange pills anymore. Now I could take one of those many pills advertised that I wouldn’t have to empty my bladder anymore at night. I just wonder where all that liquid goes? Does the body absorb it? Just read the side affects! I do a deep breathing exercise that often works to help get me back to sleep. Susie, I’m sure stewing, worrying and fretting is not going to help make you sleepy. Wouldn’t that be resisting arrest! Okay. Not funny.

    Hubby and buddy story reminded me of the time we took our seven-year-old granddaughter and four-year-old grandson out for dinner. On the way to the establishment, Papaw points out, “There’s the Hoot Owl Place. Maybe we will stop there on our way home.” After the meal, the kids were given a free ice cream cone to take home. Going out the door, the granddaughter excitedly says, “Papaw, lets go see the hoot owls!” We muffled a laugh. Granddad said, “Well, you have an ice cream cone to eat. Maybe we will come back some other time.” It’s really not a good thing for grandpa to deceive his grandkids about well endowed women who need warm coats! It has nothing to do with owls!

    Thank you again, Susie! Your snippets are good like a medicine! Hope you sleep well tonight.


    laughter is the best medicine that doctors do not prescribe
    gotta check that age thing there Bets- you are pretty sharp for one of that number!!

    • Bets

      Thanks, John! You really are an encourager!!!

  4. Bets

    Sue, I was on the internet last night trying to find out why the battery on my android phone was draining so rapidly. There are quite a few reasons — evidently I haven’t found the right one yet. What I did discover is we should disable our WIFI at night. Why? WIFI affects our sleep! And…for the same reason we shouldn’t sleep next to our phone. An extensive study has been done on how EMF radiation affects the quality of our sleep especially in relation to the pineal gland. Our bodies sense EMF radiation very similar to how we perceive light. As our bodies sense the radiation, the pineal gland (the gland responsible for producing melatonin, the hormone that regulates our sleep which you probably know already) slows down production. Whether this is true or not, I don’t know. I’m just quoting what they said. I do know for a fact, if I hold my phone for any length of time, my hand will start tingling and aching.

    I’ve tried some of those organic teas that claim to promote a good night’s sleep. In my opinion a good cold beer just before bedtime works as well. Bottoms Up!


    just saw the post yesterday about the electric wave lengths affecting us and our sleep – not only keep the phone and computer/lap top away from your head – but talking too much on the phone is bad – suggest switching ears every few minutes to give your head a chance to clear – just one side??? who knew that technology was gonna kill us quick – and now AI is arguing about whether we should even be here!!! WOW!!

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