Technology Woes

               Those of you who are regular readers know that I have had my share of struggles with technology.  I find it challenging to remember which “input” on the remote will get me to Netflix or the DVD player, so it’s not a stretch to imagine that, at times, my phone will completely baffle me.

               One of the features of my phone is a phantom operator that will, completely unbeknownst to me, switch my phone to airplane mode.  This means that (1) I do not receive texts or calls and (b) my texts come back as “undeliverable” and my calls go straight to someone’s voicemail.  This has happened not once, but a number of times (so you’d think I’d figure it out quicker!).  First, however, I imagine that my son – or some other loved one – is in a ditch or a hospital.  That’s after, of course, I assume that same person hasn’t charged their phone or has it switched off (that’s happened before, so….).

               But then, after some angst, I remember to check settings and sure enough, my phone is in airplane mode.  Is it something I do unknowingly?  Is there a phantom in my phone?  Who knows? What I do know is that it’s aggravating.

               The second aggravating thing about my phone is not a phantom, but a new “trend” in communication that many people use.  It’s called “group text.”  This means you can send the same message to three, six, even fifty people.  It’s a great time saver.  I don’t mind getting the first group text.  Often it includes important information about something – a person, an event, a shared activity, etc.  What I do mind is that then you are on the receiving end of three, six, or even fifty responses; responses that are usually meaningless, like “great,” “ok,” “thanks,” and most annoyingly emojis of thumbs up or happy faces.  But wait! We’re not done, because then you also receive three, six, or fifty responses to the people responding with “cool,” emojis of their own, or [shudder] GIFs.

  Just to find out your cousin was released from the hospital after spraining her ankle, you get upwards of 100 text messages.    Heaven forbid you’re waiting for a text from someone else about an important thing because you can’t turn your phone off….

The final thing about my technology that annoys me is “reminders.”  Reminders from doctors, dentists, specialists, barbers, pedicurists, manicurists, massages, plumbers, electricians, auto maintenance shops, and all manner of other places where an appointment is made.  You get the first reminder on your phone – literally minutes after you have made the appointment.

Then you get an email reminder of this appointment about a week before the event.  Then (if you have one), you get a message on your landline answering machine. The day before the appointment, you get another text reminding you.

               Is there an epidemic of people not showing up for appointments? Does nobody keep a calendar anymore?

               I haven’t missed or forgotten any appointment I’ve made in over 50 years, and yet I get all these “reminders.” Most of them require me to answer (“click yes”) or even call to confirm.  For heaven’s sake, are we –as a society – really that stupid and/or inconsiderate?

               I had more to say, but I have to stop now and confirm my dental appointment on email.  And then on the text they just sent me. And then I need to take the survey on how my last dental appointment went….



    technology is a great thing – sometimes – but I long for the day when I could call someone and they would answer – or at least have their phone set up to receive a message – and then they might even LISTEN to it, before calling me and asking me what I had called about – I just left you a detailed prayer request!!!! holy cow!! long for the good old days when party lines were special and you had to follow rules about ring tones!!! HA!! what a life we lead now!!
    well said, sis – keep up the good work – maybe someone will comment and that would be that – go Bets!!!

    • Bets

      You have one swell sister there, John! She keeps us on our toes. Love that nifty , unique wedding picture jigsaw puzzle you gave her for her birthday! Beautiful!

  2. Bets

    You nailed It again, Sue! My husband had a dental appointment that he needed to cancel. He called and left a message cancelling that appointment and said he would make another appointment later. The next day he got a text reminding him of his dental appointment– the one he had cancelled. He called back and talked to the lady in the office telling her he had cancelled that appointment. She told him she would take care of the matter. The day of the cancelled appointment, he got a voicemail saying they would expect him in the office at 1:30. Technology woes!!!
    You rarely get a live person when you make a call anywhere anymore. You must listen carefully to each number from one to as many as six different things and pick a number to press– or there may be no number for what you’re calling about. Sometimes you would like to press someone’s head!
    Few people really want to work anymore. You’re supposed to “go on line” and print out everything for yourself! You’re expected to not only have a computer, but also a printer.
    And what about all these surveys! I’ve been getting them from grocery stores! You spend time filling in several things then get to a question you don’t want to answer and they have no business asking, so you eliminate the whole thing!
    Yes, I was guilty of group texting the other day. I texted my daughter, son-in-law, and two grandsons. Forgetting about the son-in-law and two grandsons, I thought I was just texting my daughter. Finally one of the grandsons texted back, knowing full well that I’m included in the group, and said, “Mom, kindly tell Mamaw that we are very busy at work.” I did feel bad about that. I did accuse him of being in airplane mode the other night because he wasn’t answering my texts.
    It sounds like I’m a chronic complainer. I don’t have a cat, so I’ll blame it on tax season.


    Way to go Bets!! You are right p there with Sue on posts – always get good material to use SOMEWHERE – just have to figure out who can TAKE IT !!! Too soft and mushy are most – they can dish out criticism but cannot take any info that does not match there bents!!

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